Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Maths at: Long-tailed tits & Lovelace




Yup, we we've found our level.
This week we're joined by the wonderful (soon to be doctor) Natasha Ellison (good luck, Natasha!), from the Unviersity of Sheffield and she takes us on a whirlwind tour of her thesis results of where you should look for tits in a forest and how the mathematics stems from understanding wolf pack dynamics.

Alongside our ecological leanings we also discuss Augusta Ada King, or Ada Lovelace to her friends. Tuesday 13th October marks Ada Lovelace day. As one of the first ever computer programmers to exist why not crack open your favourite programming language and have a go at saying:

Further reading: 

    Subscribe via iTunes.
    Follow us on twitter @PodcastMathsAt, as well as @ThomasEWoolley and @benmparker.


    Tuesday, 15 September 2020

    Maths at: Tidying & toilets

    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that noone likes tidying up. So, if you want a reason to not bother then give us a listen.

    Once again your regulars, Ben, Liz and Thomas, seek answers to such questions as:
      • Why are people in London Freezing?
      • Do butterflies fart? 
      • How many toilets do you need to make everyone happy?

       All questions and no answers in today's Maths at:


      Further reading: 

      Subscribe via iTunes.
      Follow us on twitter @PodcastMathsAt, as well as @ThomasEWoolley and @benmparker.

      Friday, 14 August 2020

      Maths at: Fantasy Football (Part 2)

      The first episode got us all up to speed as to what on earth Fantasy Football was all about. The Maths at: team is now ready to plunder the depths of Josh's strategies and Thomas has been editing in haste. 

      We can 100% guarantee that if you follow the strategy as specifed by Josh you will be in with a chance of winning and that's no Bull.

      Once again your regulars, Ben and Thomas, are joined by the knowledgable Hannah Veale and the intriguing Josh Bull. Gather round as they seek answers to such questions as:

      • is it luck, or is it skill?
      • is it better to have consistent scorers, or one off star strikers?
      • why is everyone regressing to the mean?

      Of course, the simple answer is that you get reddit to do the hard work for you! See how in today's podcast.

      Further reading:

      Subscribe via iTunes.
      Follow us on twitter @PodcastMathsAt, as well as @ThomasEWoolley and @benmparker.

      Thursday, 13 August 2020

      Maths at: Fantasy Football (Part 1)


      We recorded our first ever video, so that we may delight your eyes, as well as your ear canals. However, for those of you still living in the 20th century we've stripped the video off. Of course, you'll miss the visual tom foolery, but we're sure that your imagination can fill in the blanks.

      Fantasy football is the name of the game today and your regulars Ben and Thomas are joined by the knowledgable Hannah Veale and the intriguing Josh Bull. Josh recently topped the Fantasy Premier League and we though we'd take the time to interview him about his secrets.

       At least, that was the plan.

      Unfortunately, the idea of "fantasy" led Thomas astray. So if you're interested in knowing the answers to such questions as:

      • Why isn’t Gandalf available in fantasy football?
      • Would Gandalf would be a good striker?
      • Would Gandalf be a good head of a university?

      Then we're the podcast for you!


      Further reading:

      Subscribe via iTunes.
      Follow us on twitter @PodcastMathsAt, as well as @ThomasEWoolley and @benmparker.

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